Louise Hyland

Mediator, Conflict & Leadership Consultant with over 30 years Leadership Experience
Develop your own and your team's ability to resolve workplace conflict effectively

Think Better. Feel Better. Respond Better.

Louise Hyland

Self-Leadership Coaching for women who want more success.

Discover your Inner Works to Re-connect with yourself and re-create your life.

Think Better. Feel Better. Be Better.

Welcome to Innerworks

How do you respond when your hot buttons are pressed?

Do you find yourself reacting to conflict in a way that is unproductive and costly to yourself and your organisation? If so you are not alone!

The cost of conflict both personally and professionally can be significant.

Conflict in life is inevitable. Despite our best efforts to prevent it, we inevitably find our-selves in disagreements with other people at times. This  is not necessarily bad. Some kinds of conflict can be productive – differing points of view can lead to creative solutions to problems.

What largely separates useful from destructive conflict is how you respond when the conflict occurs. So while conflict is inevitable, ineffective and harmful responses to conflict can be avioded and effective and beneficial responses to conflict can be learned.

Effective leadership conflict management tools and strategies form the heart of Innerworks Coaching and Training. Our strategies work with behaviour patterns and management approaches that have been tried and tested to develop a constructive way of engaging with conflict. We work with you to harness and redirect conflict in a positive, productive and sustainable way.

Learn to self-lead when you are in conflict with new and productive strategies to respond when those hot buttons are provoked.

Innerworks uses the Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP) is a tool that will with show you how you respond in conflict and teach you more effective ways to show up. 

At Innerworks., we provide training that will help you and your teams have “successful conflict conversations” – a communication tool you can use when an interpersonal conflict becomes noticeable enough that time needs to be taken apart from ordinary job duties to resolve it.


Master Your Emotions for Professional and Personal Success

Get access to my empowering free guide, which outlines five effective strategies and provides you with a valuable tool for transforming negative emotions into more positive, constructive ones. Discover how to shift your emotional state to serve your well-being.


Discover the art of mastering difficult conversations and gain the confidence to lead with grace and resolve conflicts effectively.

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My work is about helping leaders and change makers to understand their Inner workings and lead themselves powerfully.



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