The Workplace Mediator programme is a live or virtual training that teaches participants the necessary skills to resolve conflicts directly. By harnessing the latest instructional design for learning, participants will learn the MTI method of Managing Workplace Conflict.

- Conflict in any organisation can do enormous damage. Mistakenly, disputes are often left to fester and thereby become more difficult to resolve. The results are that very challenging disputes can be quietly resolved, working relationships can be restored and the people concerned can return to full productivity. This can all be achieved without unpleasant publicity, unwanted delays and unacceptable bills. Research shows that 82 % of disputes are successfully resolved through mediation.
Workplace mediation can address conflict arising from:
Personality clashes
Perceptions of unacceptable behaviour
Different expectations of management Communication problems
Allegations of harassment, bullying, and discrimination
Re-organisation or change management difficulties
- Necessary Knowledge (NK) establishes the core competencies of conflict resolution and how to think strategically about conflict, rather than react blindly to it, and is a prerequisite for Successful Conflict Conversations (SCC) teaches individuals to mediate their own conflicts and how their behaviour is impacting others (Self-As-Mediator), or
- Successful Conflict Conversations (SCC): Building upon the foundation laid by NK, SCC equips individuals with mediation techniques and interpersonal skills to navigate challenging conflict situations with confidence. Participants will gain insights into how their behaviour impacts others and learn to mediate conflicts autonomously (Self-As-Mediator)..
- Necessary Knowledge (NK) establishes the core competencies of conflict resolution and how to think strategically about conflict, rather than react blindly to it, and is a prerequisite for Third Party Mediation (TPR) and prepares managers to take a proactive mediation role to resolve conflict between two other individuals (Manager-as-Mediator). The certification also features the Conflict Dynamics Profile (CDP), an individual assessment that increases self-awareness and improves conflict management skills.
- Third Party Resolution (TPR): Designed for managers and leaders, building on the Necessary Knowledge, TPR prepares Managers to take on a proactive mediation role in resolving conflicts between their direct reports (Manager-as-Mediator). Participants will learn how to facilitate constructive dialogue, manage power dynamics, and foster a positive workplace culture through effective conflict resolution strategies.

Louise has been instrumental in motivating me to refocus on developing my new career as a mediator. As with many people COVID 19 interrupted my plans. Louise motivated me, energised me, and encouraged me which in turn showed me how to do this for myself. She showed me how to believe in myself and I will always be grateful to her for that. And if I need reminding of that going forward, I know I can count on her. Heartfelt thanks 🙏🌻
Anne LordanMediator
Louise recently delivered a mediation course which I took and she was excellent. I found her to be really engaging throughout the course which she made fun and interesting. I would highly recommend Louise as a lecturer and as a coach.
Amy ByrneMarketing Communications KBC Bank